Friday, February 25, 2022

World War III - is it about to happen?

  So yesterday Russia decided to go all out and attack the Ukraine 2/23/2022.

This brings on some interesting things to think about. So here are my thoughts on this whole thing.

The US put in sanctions but the obviously that didn't stop Putin. Why? Well here are a few things, one the US buys Oil from Russia. and two Putin knows that the US is all bark and no bit. The Russian forces out number the US troops. Our military is weak and have been weaken over the past few decades. we have down sized our military and also or weapons cash. The military have been weakened in the training and have raised our troops to be political and not soldiers. Our economy has become devastated by the politicizing, The Globe Pandemic and began the domino effect of events. Politicians use this Virus as a power grab and manipulation of Citizens and to control every aspect of our lives. Look a the divide of the citizens into Vax Vs Non-Vax'd. Everything is turned into a Left vs Right and Black Vs White as well. Politicians demonize the right is they resist of protest in a calm and non-violent manor. But all the while the left has been promoting Violence so as long as it falls in line with their political directives. and this is just the things that have been going on in the last 3 years.

There are many many more tails of how the US has been put into this position of weakness. The people are not up for war. we can't even fight the cancel Culture and the woke craziness that we are seeing as a social justice for issues that are not truly addressing the real problems that we face as a human existence. 

I see that Russia is going to win the war in Ukraine in less then a month and IF the US actually does anything to push the buttons of Russia and Putin. Once the US government decides to attack Russia. expect that China is going to take Taiwan of we cut off the Chips and processors from Russia. What I think is Russia will most likely want to push a Big red button and you can kiss Alaska and Hawaii good bye. the threat was made by Putin to state that if we interfere with his take over. 

-'To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside - if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history' 

Well what is the worst war event that you have ever read in your history books or even in your life time. only one consequence comes to mind form this statement.

My thoughts are that even if the Big Red button is not pushed how much of an impact will this war will have if the US messes with Russia and then in turn China takes Taiwan cause it knows that the US has no teeth. if you think that the inflation is bad and the gas prices are bad... what do you think it will be like. The chip shortage is going to be ridiculous. Do you think that it won't effect you? Guess again, this effects everyone. What if a EMP is used? Or something else?

I for one work in the IT world and I see huge massive delayed already to get computer systems now. I am sure most everyone has already been effected by the chip shortage, labor shortage, car shortage, appliance shortage, and on and on. I see the squeeze by my upper management don't understand why they can't get the systems they want within a timely manor. there are major projects that have been pushed back and now I am working to find other solutions and those solutions and systems are becoming harder and harder to find.

I am not a dooms day person, but the more I read and see what all is going on this world and how fast things are changing I am starting to think of things I can do now to help my family survive and or become independent. How will these Latte coffee shop and justice warriors going to do when the mess hits the fan. what are the politicians going to do if they thing that the only culture that has the "nuts" to fight wont fight for the government. I see the Draft being enforced if it comes to WWIII and the US gets dragged into this. what are your thoughts... Lets just mark this thought in history, I pray I am wrong but I have a feeling that if the US and its citizens keep going down this path we will be destroyed. We will lose everything. what do I mean by we will lose everything.

We as a society are so spoiled and use to are Social media, Smart phone and tech. Think about this, have you had you power go out and be out for days to weeks. No internet, no TV, AC or fuel or food of your not a prepper. How long do you think that we will survive?  With the shutdown of the Coal Power Plants and the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and the move to fossil fuel power plants to green Tech that is slowly being rolled out like Solar and wind. I am not going to mention the Hydro power only because those systems are on failed system way to a total plant failure due to the age of the systems and these dams. if the fuel stops flowing how fast can the old Coal plant be rebuild and spun up without technology like control systems, factors to make the parts and the labor to build a power plant super quick. How fast will the US to start drilling to keep the oil flowing to the refineries to keep them running... What happens if you can't get the systems you need to repair, oil rigs, or fuel trucks or pipeline systems etc. Remember all of are systems rely on computers and Chips, and parts. there aren't enough Solar systems or wind farms to provide enough power to keep things up.

I would be willing to guess that we would be completely shutdown in less then a week. All starting with fuel shortages. Everyone will swarm the stores, market places and hardware stores to get the, everything off the shelves. The store will be cleared in less then 24 hours. Power plants running on oil and gas will be bone dry with out delivery of fuel in less then a month depending to the current levels of fuel in standby in the store tanks. The fuel tanks at your local gas station will be dried up in less then a week. there are literally thousands of power plants in the US. I would think that about 50% of them are hardened to protect them from Cyber attacks. I also think that about 80% of these power plants are one system failure way for a total plant shutdown. The chip shortage would prevent the repair or delivery of systems to make repairs. 

Well, this is just my thoughts and theories, and thoughts. But I plan to be ready to do whatever is necessary to protect my family and pull in all resources to survive. What are your thoughts?

Please excuse my Typos and Grammar mistakes