Sunday, October 30, 2022

Theory on Paul Pelosi - Hammer Time

 Here is my theory and facts as they are presented today 10/30/2022

1. call to police at 2:30~am intruder "David" is "a friend"

2. police show up and find David and Paul on the floor fighting for the hammer both had their hands on the hammer. 

3. both men were in their underwear on the floor.

4. glass was shattered by someone from the inside of the home.

5. This guy is claimed to be a MAGA extremist, Hippy, nudist, Felon, and illegal alien from Canada. 

6. David De Pape was a notorious person known for his nudist stuff.

7. New reporters claim that Paul Pelosi says that David was yelling "Where's Pelosi?"

The Police have not released any body cam footage or any of the residence video footage. 

Here is my theory, I think Paul invited this guy over to the house, he met him at a bar and things didn't work out between the two and a fight broke out or Paul was demanding that David leave the residence and the guy refused or there was an argument and so paul Called 911 to have the guy removed. the time in which the police showed up to the time that it is reported that the "intruder" was found with Paul Pelosi on the floor a lot of things could have happened? 

My question is if you were being held hostage, why would you be allowed to go to the restroom and make a phone call to the police? Was a noise heard in the house and he made a call to the police out of caution before the guy go to him? But that wouldn't be right... who knows the intruder's name before they know they are being hostage?

I think that Paul has had several run-ins with this guy in the past. I bet too that Nacy knows about this and there is a lover spat that was going on here. 

There have also been rumors that Paul was not alone when he had his car accident when we were drunk. and the guy disappeared... Hmmm? is it David maybe? or Another guy? Maybe Paul Pelosi has a secret that is being kept clean from the world that the Pelosis' thinks they need to hide.

I also have a second theory, I think that Nancy Pelosi is desperate to get something on trump that she created this distraction to draw more attention to the Jan 6th hearings. 

I am pretty sure there was security footage from the many cameras around the home to collaborate these theories we just simply don't have the facts... we only have leaks of information and misleading information. and for there to be no security present at the Pelosi at all. I call BS. 

The glass breaking from the inside of the home and shattering on the outside of the home doesn't make sense. The timeline and how the call was made to the police and how it was made doesn't make sense.  

Someone Help me make sense of this? Does anyone else think this story the media is spinning is fact or a work of fiction? let me know. 

again this is just my opinion and nothing I have stated in here is hard-core evidence of anything that happened. We wish Mr Pelosi a speedy recovery.