Friday, November 16, 2012

So who ultimately pays for Obamacare?

You will start to see a trend pretty soon that will sweep this nation and all retailers and service providers.

I was reading this article about how a restaurant is going to start charging a surcharge for Obama care.

This brings me back to before all of this and to say that no mater what people want in life nothing the government enforces as a benefit for other will come in with out a cost to everyone.

If you had read my earlier posts you would have read that I think that there should never be an increase in minimum wage. There is a reason why this should not happen and this is a prime example why.

Imagine you are the manager at a fast food establishment and you where told that you needed to raise the minimum wage rates to all your employees and you have 30 employees on the books at this moment and your total profits as it stands barely breaks even after all the costs and expenses of doing business and taxes. So know your forced to make a decision. What do you do?

I'll tell you that you have 2 options. One is to fire people to make up the difference in the additional expense. This would means customers will be served slower and things might be served cold and the over all restaurant may not be as clean as could be if you had enough people to keep the place full stuffed. The second option would be to raise to rates on the menu. This might cause your regular customers to stop going to your place for a quick meal and chose your competitors.

As with this Health care thing you will see the "extra expense" will do exactly as I stated above or both. they might just opt to take the option to no have health care at all and just pay the fine because it would mean keeping people employed and the doors to the business open.

What do you think?


I see report of costs for the cheapest Obama health care plan "Bronze" being 122% higher in cost then the cheapest health care plan available today.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Obamacare Killing the American wallet

A few years back there were rumors of a universal health care plan that would be provided for all Americans. Many people in America voted a president into office for these rumors. "Affordable" while "Keeping costs low" for all of us normal "Joe's" and working stiffs that have insurance provided by our companies.

While that rumor soon became reality and was voted into law. This law is to go into effect starting January 1, 2013. Loudly I hear all the restaurant employees and students and many people that currently don't have health insurance say 'Yes, finally'. BUT do you really understand the laws and the implications of it?

Well today, I here to tell you that the "idea" is a shame and going to take us all to ruin. I know that by me saying this it sounds like a bunch of BS. Or that I'm some corporate still that is over paid and should be punished. Well I'm here to tell you that this is NOT the case. I am a resent college grad with a BS in Network Communications Management. I work full time for a company that does provide health insurance and dental and other benefits, my income is a modest 60k~. Not bad, you might think but take a look at my bills and you would be scratching your head wondering how he can survive. My student loan debt is killing me. I bought a house because i felt that i was throwing away my money on an apartment. My mortgage is only $75 less than the $1425.00 rent that I was paying. My student loans are $800~ per month. And this is just the tip of the bills. Just these two things suck out 25,600 every year.

So now that you have a better understanding of my income, let’s go over the details of my health plan as it currently stands. Currently I pay $24.99 per week ($1300 per/year) just to cover me. (Not bad right) Well, the company I work for have a healthcare and benefits meeting every year in November to go over the costs and give employees the option to make changes to their policies.

So, today we (the department I work in) when to a meeting in a small conference room (me and about 50 other people from other departments) sat or stood were we could for this meeting. The meeting started off as is normally does with the company thanking us for our hard work and that the company is looking out for the better interests of its employees and that the future is looking good for business and that the business wouldn't be what it is without us... Then the rep from the Insurance Company stands up and begins his spill. He tells us some statistics about healthcare and the costs without the insurance and reminds us of their efforts to keep costs low.

So at this point I’m thinking that my insurance plan is going to be reduced that’s to the Obama care going into effect this coming year. Boy was I wrong, Dead wrong. They state that effective January 1, 2013 our weekly rates will be going up, not by $2 or even $10 per week but $50 dollars per week more. This brings my grand total to $74.99 per/week ($3,900 per/year). Ok, breathe now... where’s the low costs and options? (none)

Example of increased Insurance rates

So, the company comes back and states that the rate increase was greatly reduced because the company has footed the bill of about 75% or the increase over all employees. (How nice) But, still a $50 increase in rates or whatever is killer. Where is this extra money coming from that the company now says they are going to foot? I think to myself, they are going to lay off people to cover the costs.
I read many news articles today in fact that read that many were laying off (firing) people to reduce their numbers before the New Year laws go into effect. I didn't think that my company would be part of that too. Until I realized it was already happening and the company was already making these changes I remember to people in my department being handed pink slips. Now it all makes sense.

So what does all this mean for you, or the people that work at say the gas station, your favorite restaurant, or favorite fast food joint, how about the movie nights that many of us enjoy. Costs are going to go up to cover the costs of health insurance were there weren't big health insurance bills before. Where do you think that the company is going to get the money? They are going to fire people and NOT hire people. They are going to raise the costs. You’re going to see your menu prices jump and you movie popcorn (that is already toooooo high) go up even more.

I'm foreseeing that I will not be eating out very often at all. I can't afford to, and then to half to tip on top of that would kill me. No more fast food either, even groceries are going to kill me. I can see a loaf of bread and peanut butter and jelly costing me $2 to $3 per sandwich to make myself. Where now I can buy el-cheapo peanut butter and jelly and bread for about $5 total?
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There is one thing that I hate as it is and could never understand it, why is it that when you go into a Wal-Mart and do your shopping there are like 25-30 cash registers and yet there are only 4-5 open at a time? I foresee that number going down to like 2 or 3 open and maybe reduced hours of operation to cut costs. I really don't like shopping at Wal-Mart but when you live on a tight budget you really can't afford to shop anywhere else.

Okay, I think that I will stop here, give you some time to think things over... Leave a comment below. Tell me what you think? I really want to know. Am I the only one seeing this?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

If You were voted into office...

Obama Wins another 4 years

That is the news for today 11/7/2012.

I have a confession to make... I didn't vote for Obama. To be honest I didn't really want to vote at all. As I have found over the years that no mater who is in office there is almost always empty promises or things that never get fixed or promises that never are followed through.

So for the past few elections I have posed this senior and question that I wanted to share with everyone. I also wanted to get your feed back as well.

If you were President (King) for a day (24 hours), and you could change any laws or anything. And everything you decided went in to affect immediately and no one could stop it; what would you do?

Okay, so with that question being posted this is what I would do if I were president for a day.
***Warning all things that I state below are of my own opinion and may hurt your beliefs and feelings, so don't get upset, Or maybe you should leave this page now.***
  • I would repurpose the IRS and change the tax system completely to a Flat tax. (If you have read the Fair Tax Act you will understand what I am proposing here and why.)
    • The tax would be a flat 10% not higher
    • No income tax, no capital gains tax, no death tax...etc. Only tax on new purchased items.
    • Taxes would be levied higher and heavy on all import products.
    • Company's that export business out side the US to manufacture a product to sell in the US would be forced to pay the high Import taxes.
    • Businesses that sell a product or service would be solely responsible for collecting these taxes and the company its self would be the ones audited by the new and re-purposed IRS.
  • Term limits for congress members would be changed to state that if you have already been in office once you can not run for office again. The maximum term would be 4 years.
  • All politicians would also be forced to take a pay cut to a cap of 100K per year.
  • Politicians will not be allowed to spend more money then is allotted by the voters on political campaigns. The campaigns money will come from a pool of tax dollars and will be divided up evenly to the runners in the campaign to make it an even playing field. NO OUTSIDE OR SIDE FUNDING ALLOWED.
    • If a politician receives funding from outside sourced they will not be allow to continue running in the campaign and all remaining funds will be returned to the pool and or paid back.
  • They would get all the benefits like the military get like tri-care insurance and once their term was up they can elect to keep it and pay out of pocket for it or loose it. (so once they leave that all ends)
  • No more pension plans. All congress officials will be required to invest into the market just like the average person does to save for retirement.
  • Minimum wage will go down to a flat rate of $5 per hour. OR tipping will be outlawed.
  • Foreign policy
    • all countries that want our military gone will get there wish and the US will no longer support them.
    • All military bases will be closed in all foreign countries and military personal will be pulled back to the US and re-purposed and reduced.
    • Most military will be converted to board patrol officers of Nation Guard for disaster emergency and humanitarian purpose in the US.
  • Seal off all borders and grant amidst to all illegals that are here or ship them back to there country or process them to make them legal aliens in the US.
  • No more unions
  • All Americans in the US will no longer be allowed to carry any other abbreviated title to "American"
  • The Official language will be English as a primary language. All other languages will be an option only.
  • Prison systems that have a death row will have a time length of on 1 year till execution.
  • Prisons will be self efficient and will be maintained by the prison system. Prisoners will also have a three strike rule (If they end up in jail for an offense more then twice they will stay in jail with no bail, no release.
  • There will be three types of prison systems.
    • Rehab - Those that have made mistakes but may be salvageable citizens
    • Long term self efficient prisoners (meaning they grow there own food and farm there own animals and have no other luxuries like tv or gym time or games.)
    • Military Hardcore Marine corp x10 extremely strict non-combat programs. This is for those criminals that need discipline. (This can be used for minors and adults that need a wake up call. OR long term control)
  • No more apologizing to foreign countries, no more hand outs to foreign countries.
    • The US will start to take care of its self before worrying about other countries and will stop being the worlds police.
  • No more war on drugs all drugs will be made legal.
    • Rehab will be available to those that need it with a 3 strike rule and then prison time. (Military style)
    • Taxes can be collected on drugs
    • DUI, DWI laws will go into affect for all users just like alcohol laws.
    • Only stated licensed companies and manufacture and seller. All others will be fined and/or jailed dependent on the case.
    • All companies will be held responsible for all liabilities of the users they sell to.
    • Age limits, regulations will all apply.
*** NOTE: I don't not condone use of or selling of drugs at all. I feel they are a waste of time and money and life. I only propose this to stop the waste of government spending on trying to control the substances. $$ Billions of dollars are spent every years to control the stuff. Why not profit from it?

  • No more drug ads on TV, radio or any other media avenue.
  • Common sense laws will be in effect for frivolous law suites. (No more frivolous law suites)
  • Abortion laws will be changed to state that the woman wanting the abortion must pay for the expense not the city, county, state or governments.
  • Teachers will enforce strict learning environments conducive to learning. Students will no longer be allowed to carry any electronic devices to school other. If parents need to get a hold of their children they must go through the school.
  • Schools will no longer be allowed to teach the state mandated academic tests. Schools will not receive extra money based on this test. Teachers will be graded on the quality of the lessons and the learnt content. (Teachers will be free to teach to the best of their ability to make sure the student understands the content. If the teacher feels that student is failing to learn, that student will be held back and/or attend summer school)
  • Electric companies will not be able to raise rates and add additional fees with out a public vote. (The ballot will be written in clear simple English)
  • Red light camera's will ONLY be used for traffic purposes NOT for collecting funds for the cities they are placed in.
This list goes on an on but I will stop here for now and clarify the reasoning behind most all things that I have listed.

One of the big ones for me is the Tax thing. Everyone pays the tax in one form or another. But it is obvious that not all people pay the same. I understand the need for government and the need for government funding. So that's why I didn't totally get rid of it. I did make it an even playing field no mater if you are a minimum wage person or a billionaire. Everyone would be paying the same rate.

Lets look at a few examples shall we. I know that most all voters believe that the rich should be taxed more and that people think they are the problem. I would say that people that think like this need to look at the broader picture. Ask your self these questions:

1. Have you ever got a job from a Poor man? (long term, longer then one year)
2. Have you ever had the money to donate to research, or humanitarian projects?
3. Has a poor person ever owned a business? that lasted longer then a year? If so, how many employees were on the pay roll? And where is that business now?

I really don't know of any poor people that can afford a million dollar home, car, boat, yacht, vacations... and so on. All of these things would be taxed the average person doesn't buy a new car every year or six months just to have a new car. Or buy a $10,000 watch or expensive jewelry. 

I think I made my point here. If not you can comment an I will elaborate or answer any questions you have. (But before you do, read the fair tax act book first)

So now you may be wondering, 'well, how is the government going to survive with only 10%?'... Well this is were the government will be doing its job to make it survive with the limited funds it does have. We all agree that the government wastes a ton of money every quarter and doesn't stop growing in dept but instead of stop the bleeding of money they gain more debt and/or raise taxes or come up with a new tax system or law. By me reducing the amount that they are allowed will force them to thinks smarter and work for their money.

One major reason I stated that the politicians will only make no more the $100k per year with not pension or benefits after is because a lot of money is being spent right there every month for politicians that are currently there and for those that were in office. This will also place them on the same playing level as all the rest of their populous like those that have voted them in to begin with.

I think this is a good stopping point for now. So if you would please give a response below that would be greatly appreciated. I will review and add more to this topic as I am very well aware that I need to explain more on the things I have listed above. Granted the list is very short.

Till next time. Have a great day.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Microsoft's New Surface

The Future now

Back in college I heard about the "Surface" technology.  It was a tablet surface the size of a table and the surface was so intelligent that is could detect any thing that was placed on it and or was programmed to. The technology seemed unreal but awesome at the same time.

The technology that I am talking about was Surface Table by Microsoft. The advertisements that I saw at the time was from the Microsoft Surface promo website. They made the table smart to be used in a restaurant or in a home. The surface of this table table could sense anything that was placed on it and display information about that was placed on the surface on the screen.

1st Example: You are at a New High Tech restaurant and all the tables in the restaurant have Surface systems. You come in and are seated by the host. The host walks away after touching the surface with her card and entering a number of guests on the table, but doesn't hand you or your guest any menus. Then you see the table come up with menus and a commercial of the latest dish that restaurant has. You are prompted to select a drink from the touch screen and also your appetizers and meals. Then shortly after you had made your selection what what you wanted to drink a waitress is finally present and delivers your drinks. Once the glasses are placed on the Surface there will be a ring around the base of the glass that identifies what is in the glass. (say its Ice Tea, unsweetened and your is a sweet tea) you could also see the surface detail automatically as you start to get low on your drink that you will be prompted for a refill (Yes or No) and once you make you selection you waitress comes again to fill you up.

That same tech is seen again if you ordered a Pizza or a hamburger and there would be a ring displayed on the table to show what it is that you ordered... plus if the nutrition facts were available you could see that as well.

Paying you bill would be easy as well all you would have to do i place your credit or debit card on the sure in a precess your transaction at your table with out giving you card to the waiter.

2nd Example:  You get home and place your Keys cellphone and wallet on the surface in your hall and walk to you living room and sit down to another surface device. you tap the glass to wake the surface and you will be promoted with a list of connected devices that are on the Surface in your house and you could instantly have access to your photos on your cellphone or the contacts list or emails. You could identify where you wallet was left on which surface in the house or what key are on the table in the hall. You could control the TV and Lighting and other Smart devices in your home with any surface in the home.


Granted most of this stuff that I mentioned was not all on the commercial. But I'm sure that you would be able to do all that I had mentioned. Maybe its creepy to you. But security could be implemented. Say a finger print scanner or retina scanner on the surface. You could lock your devices so that they could not be accessed from the surface. I'm sure that many people would be worry of privacy issues that could arise or theft. But at the same time all of these things would be looked into I can guarantee you they would have too.

This was back in 2007-09 when I first saw this technology or something like it. But now the "Surface" has come to light again. Microsoft have made and even small device much easier to transport and looks a lot like the iPad by Apple. I just wonder if this thing can do half the stuff I talked about above. Who knows, but we will find out.

Any thoughts? Comments? What do you think?

Monday, July 23, 2012

My 2 Cents: Colorado Massacre


This is the basic question that is going through everyone mind. Why would someone planning out a full out execution of Movie goers and booby trap his house to kill anyone that enters and kill everyone else that is in the building and blast radius.

Why did he drop out of the graduate program at the Colorado University? Why...? Why...? Why...?

The back story

Everyone knows by know what has happened I'm sure. If you haven't been watching by any news channel you know that this kid, James Holmes. Who is 24 years old. Killed 12 people and wounded/injured 58 others using a ar-15 with a 100 round drum and a shotgun and a pistol.

Two smoke bombs(tear gas) was used to start the ciaos. The shooter has starting shooting shortly after the smoke started to rise.  I will stop at the point.

My reactions

When I first heard the store it was around 8am EST on Friday. When a co-worker state that he had saw an alert about the issue in the news. I began to look into the article to read more. At the time I started seeing numbers like 13 dead 28 injured and words like  "Dozens Dead...", I was shocked. Then the questions of why started to pop in my head. Then they stated he was a PHD student of Neurology... He dropped out of school after only being there for 1 year in a 5 - 8 year program...

I Then heard that they were trying to get into the guys window of his apartment because he had booby trapped his apartment.

Well all of this information was wondering in my head I saw that they caught the guy...

My 2 cents

Why didn't the police kill this guy? Why did the guy decide to tell the policy that he booby trapped his house? Why didn't the kid run? and more thought. How did he get in the exit door of the theater?

First off I am not giving any credit to this kid. I was very angry at what I was seeing and reading on the internet about this guy. Yes the police made this kid out to be a genius in booby craps.  And others were stating that this guy had a moment of insanity.

I thought to my self, why would this guy do this? One is he was failing school and felt that because if finally failed at something he felt he needed to seek out revenge on others that had a better chance of make it then he did or the studding day and night and all the random thoughts in his head studing for school and he just had enough when he failed his exam. He decided that I tried my best and I failed screw it. I going to make this "college town" pay.

The other thought was they his girl friend broke up with him. And that crushed him so he got a ticket to the same theater his ex was in to kill here and all the others.

Of course this is just what I was trying to deduce as to why this kid was doing this. The guy had a ton of time to plan this thing out and let the plan build to flourition.

What do you think caused this guy to react this way? Do you even care? Do you think that this will cause theaters to change policies? Gun laws to change? Other thoughts?

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Next BIG Technology Advancement

The next big technology that is soon to come is going to be a solution that will help eliminate all theft (shop lifting) and inventory loses. This same technology will help stores with making the checkout processes easier and faster; as well for all of us that hate waiting in those endless lines at the store.

So what is this technology? And how does it work? How much will is cost? What is the impact?

There was an article in the news paper a few months back that stated that stores were looking to place RFID tags into items to help with inventory and theft prevention. But as you read the article you could tell that the writer had no idea what he was saying in stating that "the technology could be used to track you and invade your privacy."

The fact is this technology is not for tracking people as all. The technology is only used in the store and as soon as you purchase the product as the cash register, the RFID tags will be deactivated.

What are these RFID tags? Where will they be placed? These RFIDs can be the size of a strand of hair. They will be used to uniquely identify the items it is placed in or on. For example they can be placed in toys, games, clothes, shoes, CDs, any thing and everything non-editable. And for those things that are editable the tags will be place on or around those items. Like on a sticker on a piece of fruit or a bag of bread and in the tub of butter (embedded in the plastic).

The Tag its self reads just like a barcode, but it has a lot more information associated with it. The Code is just a simple number that can categorize the item the size, color, price, make, brand, manufacture, expiration date, etc.

All Manufactures would need to change their labeling on their products to allow for the insertion/embedding of this thread it be one more fiber added to clothing or a bag. Just like the Bar codes that are on all sales items today.
These manufactures would need two more major pieces of equipment besides the actual fiber. First is the reader as the assembly line. The reader would detect is the thread is inserts into the item and also inventory the item and add all information to the database. The second reader would scan items being shipped out . this would date the logs on what, when, to whom and how much was shipped.

How does the RFID work?
The tags are placed in the item within the store, can be read at all times by a scanner “RFID reader”. The RFID reader sends out a signal to the RFID tags to provide power to the RFID chip inside and then the chip will reply to the reader with the RFID information. The Reader/s is fully capable of reading hundreds of thousand of tags at a single time. The tags all read back to the reader a Code. This code would then in turn reference a data base that states how much inventory was taken in and sold or taken out, etc.

All of this data can be used to order more products or keep track of inventory for the store.

Checking out couldn’t be any easier and faster. All you would have to do is walk right up to the register and the scanners there would detect everything in the cart and on the person that was not purchased. And then a item list would be displayed and the total. The customer could see any amounts that didn’t look right and tell the cashier to make any changes necessary.

Theft control
These scanners located at all entrances to the store are set to track all products that has not been inventoried (new product to be added to inventory) or not purchased (items in inventory yet to be sold) and purchased (Items removed from inventory that was purchased by the customer).

So the door checkers would solely have the position to stop theft only and not waste time stopping honest customers.

All new inventory that was received by the trucks could be scanned before the trucks were unloaded into the store and or scanned once they were in the building as new inventory and then registered as stock or active sale.

This in the technology that will be the next big thing that will change the market place as we know it. The big players that I would see using this technology first would be Wal-Mart and all the larger companies like Sam’s club, BJ’s, and Costco. This would help to keep the costs low and products even lower. This would save tons in man hours used to count inventory in the store. This would help speed up the checkout lines at the register. And last but not least stop all theft.

This is the technology that I think will be the future. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Help Wanted / Given

Pay it Forward?

What does it mean to you? In the society that we live, is it worth paying it forward?

OK, First let me explain to you what I think Pay it forward is and how it works.

Pay it forward – To give some of yourself and or ability to someone that is in need without requiring anything in return. Then that person is to do the same thing to someone else.  Eventually the Paid forward will come full circle and someone will pay it forward back to you.

I personally think that this only works with person/s that have been raised to be generous and always think of others before themselves. In my short life time I have seen only a few people that were like this and those people were very humble and were willing to do anything without any complaints.


I recently had to re-sod my front yard because the drought and chinch bugs killed my lawn so I rented a tiller and ordered a couple pallets of grass. I put on my work clothes and boots and tilled the front lawn on one day and started to lay out my grass squares the next day. A neighbor and his wife had just happened to be walking by my house and the husband stopped and asked me if I needed any help? I said, "no, I’m good I can do it." He insisted, and said "I’ll be right back after I get home from my walk with my wife and I will change over and come help you". I said "Okay, but you really don’t have too."
I totally thought this guy is not going to do it. This was some hard labor. It’s like 100+- degrees and I was burning up. I continued to do my lawn work and about 45 minutes later he showed up and began to help me out. It was also at this time, my wife also came outside to help lay the grass with me as well.
I wanted to pay this guy back, take him out to dinner or something. I couldn’t just let him just do all this hard work and not get anything in return. I told him "I have a case of beer in the frig. You can have for helping me." He said “I don’t drink.” I said I’ll take you out to eat anything you want to eat, just name it. He said there is nothing that he wanted to eat and that he didn’t want anything. I said come on you want something. I wanted to pay him something. 2~ hours later we finished laying out the grass and later he went home.

To this day I still want to pay him back, I just don’t know where he lives or what his name was.

It just seems that people like that neighbor are few far and in between. Or simply just don’t exist. I have seen more times than not people that just take advantage of people like that. These "users" just run them into the ground, an never give a second thought to think about the other person or at least try to do something for them.

I find myself thinking of things that I can do to help my friends. Like if they say they are having a hard time or need to do tasks that I know that I can help with. I end up volunteering myself to help them complete their tasks.

I have found my self staying late to help someone out at work off the clock just to be nice. Or just hang out with some of my co-workers when they have the late shift because I know how much it sucks to sit in an empty building with no one there just the hum of the lights and computer systems.

I am only looking for one thing in return, gratitude.

I just wonder if there are people out there that think like I do. Am I a fool for helping people?
Sometimes I feel like why should I bother helping people out if all I get in return is more “tasks” to complete.

Leave a comment below and tell me what you think, I really would like to know.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Conspiracy Theories - About "stuff"

Conspiracy Theories - About "stuff"

I was taking the trash out the other day and was looking down the road and all I saw was tons and tons of trash. I thought to my self, ‘wow that is a lot of trash, where is all this stuff going, dump sites must be over flowing’.

So what happened to the days of things being built with quality in mind?Why are we are so driven to buy the latest and greatest of everything? Like Cars, Clothes, electronics, and other stuff? And once you buy the latest and greatest, why does it not last?

I’m guessing that is has a lot to do with big business and manufacturing. I also think it has a lot to do with the Government as well. Here’s and example of what I’m talking about.

I was sitting in my Grand mothers house the other day looking at a Microwave that had to have been at least 40 years old and it actually worked better that mine at my house, that I just bought that was 1100 watts, the quality of the material that went into her machine was better to. Mine just had a ton of plastic pieces and more buttons. I some times had to nuke my meal twice just to get it hot enough to eat. But not her machine, I put a hot pocket in that thing and it was done in less time than the direction specified (with out a cold center, cooked all the way through).

So how does this have to do with the government and big business? Well there was a president recently and also in the 50s that stated that we as a nation need to become more consumer based and purchase more to get the economy going. And so the Big businesses said well, if we are going to need people to spend more money then we need to make cheaper products and also advertise things to the tune of people wanting everything they see on a TV commercial, or read in a magazine or see on a billboard. So business started making cheaper and cheaper quality products to sell to the public.We have to make them feel like buying the product will change their lives and make them feel good.

Women fall victim to the spending “hook” everyday. Everything that is sold or shown on TV, movies, commercials, News, magazines… everywhere is geared for women (and men, But we are only talking about the women for now). Ever go shopping with a woman, your mother, or daughter or other? And lets say that you are looking for a mans pair of gloves and hat. (The reason I mention this is because I was looking for one the other day with my wife). So we went to a local shopping area that is basically a street lined with tons of shops all the way down the road. It was very cold out side so I wanted to find a simple pair of gloves and a nice warm hat. We went from shop to shop up this road and to be honest I must have seen about 30 shops that didn’t contain anything for men. I saw about 25 of those 30 that had tons of hats of all kinds and gloves. But, luckily by the time we reached the end of the road there was women’s story that literally had only one self that had only two hats to choose from and no gloved. I never did find and gloves that day; only the little beanie hat.

This is not the only place that you see this type of setup that is strictly for the women. You can see this in malls, big box stores and a lot of other places. Now of course I’m not talking able the Men’s stores like suits and shops that are specifically for guys. But for men we have a whole other ball of wax to talk about here.

So why is this, the case? Well the answer is very obvious its in and on everything. It’s all around us. Like I stated before it’s on TV, commercials, movies, billboards poster, everywhere. Woman are told on some of these commercials it if you are feeling bad buy “X” product. Or look at these “women” the House wives and look at all the money they spend and the clothes they wear and the things they own. “Don’t you wish you could be like them?” It’s all a mental mind game.

This same trick is being played on guys as well. We see it the same why, we see the hot women and or girls on TV and we think what is it that attract that kind of woman to guys? And then you see the guy that is handsome and or topless with muscles everywhere. And you think well I could lose a little weight, I need to go to the gym. Or I need to buy that product that they are selling to help me lose weight or get into shape like that guy. Or they portray a normal looking guy that gets all the girls if he buys this cologne that makes the girls flock to him.

Most of men that I know including my self we are pretty much comfortable with the stuff we have and not require much. We don’t need to stay on top of the latest fashion; we don’t care about the latest CD or Car. We are happy just to get what we have a keep what we have and make it last.

This cycle continues to go round and round all the time. Making you buy everything they are selling or a similar product. Just like the smart phone wars. And the thing is that everyone for the most part knows that the technology with change every year an some times every six months and the Corporations know this. This brings me to the next topic.

Big business knows already months ahead of time that they will be releasing a new product every so often to keep it customers coming back for more. Like the iPhone. Every year just about there has been a new release of the iPhone. They always add new features (software) and change the hard ware just enough to make you say I want that phone. The thing is do you really need to upgrade? The honest answer is no. But you want to stay up with technology and not be left behind, so you want the phone. This effect is the same across all products.

I will add more about this topic later on. I figure I would share my thoughts on the topic.{EAV:8ff0d881873374d6}