Pink Slips
The end of your Business and your job is coming down the pipe.
Just when the small business thought that they would be able to keep their businesses open by switching full time employees to part time.
The law will be added to "tally up the number of part-time employees firms have to determine if enough hours have been worked to essentially create a "full-time equivalent."" (
So what does that mean? Well if it isn't obvious; it should be.
It means that the companies that have thought to convert their employees from full time to part time to stay in business or stay under the 50 full time employees. Will now be forced to fire people or cut employee pay, to pay for Obama care. Or lastly close the doors. No more business = no more jobs. No full time or part time if the doors are closed. Can't hire more people if the company can afford to grow.
Now the only other option would be to increase the prices of the products or services. (inflation) Do you think that the people that are seeing their jobs taken pay cuts and or are losing their jobs are going to have that extra money to buy those products and services?
Do you think that the $1 menu will survive? Do you think that the Dollar store will stay in business? how about you favorite super market? Do you think that your grocery bill is going to stay the same? ... Better start building your farm now... start cutting your spending and sell your stuff; if you can, get ready to move back in with mom and dad.
I know that sounds extreme but it could be a reality for most people . Hopefully, I'm wrong. Hopefully all of this is a nightmare and just a joke. Hopefully prices don't go through the roof. Hopefully people don't lose their jobs and businesses stay in the black.
An excellent read Jason, I too believe that things are dire financially not only in the US but overseas as well albeit at different intervals. The financial revolution will have to be via internet and the traditional ways of doing things will need a method of adapting to this surge. We have all been sensitized to the global digital shift in not only our minds but in our everyday lives as well.