Warning: You might get offended by reading what I have
written here.
Click away, you have been warned.
After seeing this report on the news last night about the ‘knock-out
game’, I was in shock that people would do such a thing. Black(P.C. African American),
young adults, just to attack someone just for being a ‘Jew’ or white.
This is all the more reason to be honest as a society that
racism is a real issue. We are a society
too scared to call hate crimes or race crimes for what they are. I don’t care
if it is a black-on-white or white-on-black crime or acts of violence. If it is
a race crime, and the sad thing is that the media will only report on these stories
if the issue is a white-on-black crime. Very rarely will you see news about a
black-on-(insert race) crime. Are we that scared to call it what it is… A race
crime. Young black criminals are stereo typed as thugs because of the facts and
statistics that follow their behavior.
What are these black sluggers trying to prove? That they can
knock out someone that is defenseless. I guarantee that you are not seeing them
try to attach people that are readily expecting a fight. No, they are looking
to attach easy targets. And we all know why they would be looking to attach
someone like that is because they are too scared to confront someone around
their age, or gender. These are chicken’s, that are too scared to face someone
and fight them, because they know that that person might just kick their A$*
all over the street. Another reason why they would travel is groups is just because they are a
bunch of scared, wimps, weak and gutless.
I for one am not one
to go looking for trouble. I am for the most part and very laid back and easy going
person. But I know that the Marine in me would not tolerate any BS like this. I
will avoid all confrontation by all possible means.
There is a reason why racial profiling exists, because most
the time those profiles are accurate.
If I were to be walking don’t the street and saw a group of
blacks I would avoid them if at all possible. No, not because I am scared of
being hit and them attempting to knock me out. I am not known to have a glass
jaw. No, I would be afraid I would have to seriously hurt someone. I have
stated this many times to my family that if anyone thinks that they are going
to cause bodily harm to me or my family, they should expect to be retaliated against
and most likely it would result in someone being destroyed.
I would never just attack someone just cause I could, or to
just to prove anything to anyone. These blacks that are doing this obviously
have no moral up bringing or parents that cared to raise their kids to respect
I could bet that if the issues were flipped. The news media
would be all over this and then you would be seeing Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton
all of the race baiters coming out to state that the whites are trying to oppress
them in some faction.
What are your thoughts? This is a freedom of speech blog. You
can feel free to share your thoughts everyone has an opinion. What is yours?
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