Taken America Back
When is enough going to be enough?
I usually try not to speak out on politics and policies. But in all the years I have been following the governmental issues and observing the effects of policy on everything. I feel the pain of so many American's, I have briefly looked at what our country was founded on and how America came to be.
I see our freedoms being taken faster and faster every day. I feel like the whole reason we separated our selves from the colonial rule back in the 1700's has come full circle. We seem to be finding our selves right back under the rule, but that of our own government, like that of those times. We pay huge amount of taxes, and really have fallen slave to the government instead of the Government be servant to its people.
How many of you have heard the term the "green weenie"? In the military, soldiers would use this term to explain or express how he felt by the way he was being treated. Like when the superiors would put the screws to a soldier and make him or her do things that were very difficult or caused the soldier undue stress. Or freedoms were taken away or the soldier was mistreated in the name of the military and its leaders. Where the Superior is acting on orders that were past down to him but higher officials and in some cases the political arena.
This is what I think our government is doing to it's people. I feel that the government really doesn't care for a second what the american or the majority think. (I know that the majority voted these clowns into office) But I personally think that the majority doesn't vote. Instead I think that they stayed home or just didn't see a politician that they wanted in office. I personally think that people feel that it really doesn't matter because no mater how they vote the game is rigged. I have been told my whole voting life that even if you don't like the person or persons running for political offices and their policies. "Vote for the lesser evil."
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src="http://act.theteaparty.net/7916/sign-tea-party-petition-to-defund-obamacare-now/wt/?src=widget" width="220px"></iframe>
You can see this as evidence when you hear a politician state that they are for some thing or will stand on an issue and then bend or break to other political powers and vote the opposite way. Like with border control and immigration reform. Bank Bailouts, AIG, GM and others.
Our Biggest problem is that we "the people" don't care. Or we have a fear of our government and are afraid to stand against it. You feel it has gotten too big to go against. You may feel that if you try to organize you will be classified as a terrorist. Well I guess if this is true then our founding fathers were in your shoes going up against all odds when they took a stand against the king.
Now we are going up against the biggest threat for our personal freedom and liberties. This is the biggest threat of our time and the politicians put a blind eye and def ear to the very same people that voted them into office. One is our massive debt of about 17 trillion and growing, Two "The 'Un'-affordable health care act"and others.
I see all these scandals going on around the presidents administration such as the IRS, NSA, Benghazi, race baiting, and many many others. When will it stop? When will enough be enough? How much does the American people need to lose before things really need to change?
Have we lost our true blooded American back bone. Are we a bunch of sheep or leaders. How much more freedom do we need to give up? How much more BS are we willing to take from these politicians. Politicians that feel that they are higher then its people and continue to create laws that only benefit their cause and not that of the american people.
Maybe we haven't lost enough to be at that point of desperation. Maybe you personally and everyone around you needs to lose it all in order to decide to take a stand. Maybe we are weak feeble minded people and are brain washed in to accepting a failing government and weakening dollar. Are we accepting the fact that the passing of these policies and laws will do nothing but crush jobs and our future? Are we willingly wanting to give up everything that we worked hard to get over the centuries? When is time for these "talks" going to turn into actions?
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src="http://act.theteaparty.net/7916/sign-tea-party-petition-to-defund-obamacare-now/wt/?src=widget" width="220px"></iframe>
These Media outlets care only about the bottom line and views, ad revenue, and political favoritism. Talk show hosts are just that, talk. The celebrities are nothing but high paid actors living in a dream and not on the level in which the average person lives. They speak only to gain the attention for their image and brand.
There are always solutions to resolve these governmental issues. People need to wake up out of this coma and doing something about it.