Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The 'Knock-Out Game' - My thought on the Topic WARNING

Warning: You might get offended by reading what I have written here.
After seeing this report on the news last night about the ‘knock-out game’, I was in shock that people would do such a thing. Black(P.C. African American), young adults, just to attack someone just for being a ‘Jew’ or white.
This is all the more reason to be honest as a society that racism is a real issue.  We are a society too scared to call hate crimes or race crimes for what they are. I don’t care if it is a black-on-white or white-on-black crime or acts of violence. If it is a race crime, and the sad thing is that the media will only report on these stories if the issue is a white-on-black crime. Very rarely will you see news about a black-on-(insert race) crime. Are we that scared to call it what it is… A race crime. Young black criminals are stereo typed as thugs because of the facts and statistics that follow their behavior.
What are these black sluggers trying to prove? That they can knock out someone that is defenseless. I guarantee that you are not seeing them try to attach people that are readily expecting a fight. No, they are looking to attach easy targets. And we all know why they would be looking to attach someone like that is because they are too scared to confront someone around their age, or gender. These are chicken’s, that are too scared to face someone and fight them, because they know that that person might just kick their A$* all over the street. Another reason why they would travel is groups is just because they are a bunch of scared, wimps, weak and gutless.
 I for one am not one to go looking for trouble. I am for the most part and very laid back and easy going person. But I know that the Marine in me would not tolerate any BS like this. I will avoid all confrontation by all possible means.
There is a reason why racial profiling exists, because most the time those profiles are accurate.
If I were to be walking don’t the street and saw a group of blacks I would avoid them if at all possible. No, not because I am scared of being hit and them attempting to knock me out. I am not known to have a glass jaw. No, I would be afraid I would have to seriously hurt someone. I have stated this many times to my family that if anyone thinks that they are going to cause bodily harm to me or my family, they should expect to be retaliated against and most likely it would result in someone being destroyed.
I would never just attack someone just cause I could, or to just to prove anything to anyone. These blacks that are doing this obviously have no moral up bringing or parents that cared to raise their kids to respect people.
I could bet that if the issues were flipped. The news media would be all over this and then you would be seeing Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton all of the race baiters coming out to state that the whites are trying to oppress them in some faction.
What are your thoughts? This is a freedom of speech blog. You can feel free to share your thoughts everyone has an opinion. What is yours?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I Told You So

Fast Forward to the summer of 2014, and I will tell you here and now that, “I Told you SO!!” will ring true in your minds.

What am I blabbering about? Well if it isn’t already evident in the events since the opening of the ACA, Also known as “Obama care” website was opened (October 1, 2013). You know, the site that can’t seem to get its simplest functions to work. Yeah, that site.  Oh, and still to this day (November 6, 2013) still doesn’t work.

We all recall the president stating that …’you can call the phone number to apply for ACA…’ (I’m paraphrasing here). ‘Nothing works right the first time, this isn’t Amazon’… ( Or something like that)
So some people have signed up all to find out that No, they’re insurance will NOT be cheaper. Yet will have to pay double what they were paying before.

Oh, and the news of hundreds of thousands of people that have been dropped from their current plans do to the laws with in the ACA act that are forcing insurance companies to drop people. And then Obama’s team spins it to state that it is the insurance company’s fault that your insurance plan was dropped.
I'm sure by now that we all have heard the story of people that had a good plan that they looked but was notified that they were getting dropped as well. So, there goes another “miss spoken” note from the president. (B.S. I smell manure all of that one) In fact, if you think that you are going to be keeping you old plan and your old doctor you are either one of two things, Very rich and you are planning to pay everything anyway out of pocket, or your insurance plan stated that your will be able to keep you current plan at double the price until the summer of 2014.

So, many of you reading this probably say, “but nothing has changed with my current plan and my insurance hasn’t gone up…” or “…my company hasn’t changed my plan…” Well, just wait and see, once the employer mandate kicks in your plan will change or be dropped. Mark my words. You are just lucky that the president gave the employers that one year delay.

Seems that the republicans were doing the president a favor; in that 2 week standoff with the government shut down. Too bad the Democrats, and senate leader Harry Reid and the president didn’t take the offer.  Now all citizens who didn't have or have been dropped from insurance will have to sign up and get insurance to avoid being in violation of the law and have to pay a fine.

I have seen Lie after Lie from this president over everything that he has stated that was NOT going to happen. And I have seen and heard even more lies about what was going on with the Republican causing the shutdown to “holding the government ransom". All of which was the direct result of Harry Ried and the president to make people feel the pain. The president forces parks and other things to shut down to make it seem like the government actually affects all of these things if the Government is shut done. (How stupid are we to believe such B.S.)

So what are the numbers now a-days of the people that have been dropped from their insurance plans. Hmm. 100,000 people. Nope. 500,000. Nope. Try much higher like in the millions across the US.  Looks like ~7million people and counting to the latest number.

Oh, but don’t forget that you still have your insurance plan from your employer. Oh wait that agreement is to expire next year. Oops.

How many young people, single families, and single parent families do you think can afford to buy insurance that they don’t have or had but now have to pay more? How many people are on life support got the notice that they are getting their insurance dropped and/or they are going to have to pay even more higher deductibles in order to buy their next seizure pills? Or those that are to receive their life saving cancer treatments.

I don’t think that I have, in my life time, ever heard of soo much B.S. in my entire life come from the President and the government leaders (liberals). Everything from the “line in the sand”, Benghazi, fast and furious, IRS scandals, NSA Spying, Rosengate, the Watching of the AP, the Trayvon Martin issue, GSA Gone wild, Sebelius who violated the Hatch Act, Solyndra, AKA Lisa Jackson and the list goes on and on. I lost count at over 2 dozen scandals that this president and administration have covered up or chose to ignore.

So again, I will say it, “I told you so.” You will pay more for your health care. You quality of health care will go down. You will pay more for your health care. You will see people lose their jobs because of health care and people will have reduced hours to meet the rules of Obama care. Prices of everything you buy or consume will go up and you will be broke. few words of advice... Don’t get sick…

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pink Slips

Pink Slips

The end of your Business and your job is coming down the pipe.

Just when the small business thought that they would be able to keep their businesses open by switching full time employees to part time. 

The law will be added to "tally up the number of part-time employees firms have to determine if enough hours have been worked to essentially create a "full-time equivalent."" (

So what does that mean? Well if it isn't obvious; it should be. 

It means that the companies that have thought to convert their employees from full time to part time to stay in business or stay under the 50 full time employees. Will now be forced to fire people or cut employee pay, to pay for Obama care. Or lastly close the doors. No more business = no more jobs. No full time or part time if the doors are closed. Can't hire more people if the company can afford to grow.

Now the only other option would be to increase the prices of the products or services. (inflation) Do you think that the people that are seeing their jobs taken pay cuts and or are losing their jobs are going to have that extra money to buy those products and services?

Do you think that the $1 menu will survive? Do you think that the Dollar store will stay in business? how about you favorite super market? Do you think that your grocery bill is going to stay the same? ... Better start building your farm now... start cutting your spending and sell your stuff; if you can, get ready to move back in with mom and dad. 

I know that sounds extreme but it could be a reality for most people . Hopefully, I'm wrong. Hopefully all of this is a nightmare and just a joke. Hopefully prices don't go through the roof. Hopefully people don't lose their jobs and businesses stay in the black.

Taken America Back

Taken America Back

When is enough going to be enough?

I usually try not to speak out on politics and policies. But in all the years I have been following the governmental issues and observing the effects of policy on everything. I feel the pain of so many American's, I have briefly looked at what our country was founded on and how America came to be.

I see our freedoms being taken faster and faster every day. I feel like the whole reason we separated our selves from the colonial rule back in the 1700's has come full circle. We seem to be finding our selves right back under the rule, but that of our own government, like that of those times. We pay huge amount of taxes, and really have fallen slave to the government instead of the Government be servant to its people.

How many of you have heard the term the "green weenie"? In the military, soldiers would use this term to explain or express how he felt by the way he was being treated. Like when the superiors would put the screws to a soldier and make him or her do things that were very difficult or caused the soldier undue stress. Or freedoms were taken away or the soldier was mistreated in the name of the military and its leaders. Where the Superior is acting on orders that were past down to him but higher officials and in some cases the political arena.

This is what I think our government is doing to it's people. I feel that the government really doesn't care for a second what the american or the majority think. (I know that the majority voted these clowns into office) But I personally think that the majority doesn't vote. Instead I think that they stayed home or just didn't see a politician that they wanted in office. I personally think that people feel that it really doesn't matter because no mater how they vote the game is rigged. I have been told my whole voting life that even if you don't like the person or persons running for political offices and their policies. "Vote for the lesser evil." 
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You can see this as evidence when you hear a politician state that they are for some thing or will stand on an issue and then bend or break to other political powers and vote the opposite way. Like with border control and immigration reform. Bank Bailouts, AIG, GM and others. 

Our Biggest problem is that we "the people" don't care. Or we have a fear of our government and are afraid to stand against it. You feel it has gotten too big to go against. You may feel that if you try to organize you will be classified as a terrorist. Well I guess if this is true then our founding fathers were in your shoes going up against all odds when they took a stand against the king. 

Now we are going up against the biggest threat for our personal freedom and liberties. This is the biggest threat of our time and the politicians put a blind eye and def ear to the very same people that voted them into office. One is our massive debt of about 17 trillion and growing, Two "The 'Un'-affordable health care act"and others. 

I see all these scandals going on around the presidents administration such as the IRS, NSA, Benghazi, race baiting, and many many others. When will it stop? When will enough be enough? How much does the American people need to lose before things really need to change?

Have we lost our true blooded American back bone. Are we a bunch of sheep or leaders. How much more freedom do we need to give up? How much more BS are we willing to take from these politicians. Politicians that feel that they are higher then its people and continue to create laws that only benefit their cause and not that of the american people.

Maybe we haven't lost enough to be at that point of desperation. Maybe you personally and everyone around you needs to lose it all in order to decide to take a stand. Maybe we are weak feeble minded people and are brain washed in to accepting a failing government and weakening dollar. Are we accepting the fact that the passing of these policies and laws will do nothing but crush jobs and our future? Are we willingly wanting to give up everything that we worked hard to get over the centuries? When is time for these "talks" going to turn into actions? 
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These Media outlets care only about the bottom line and views, ad revenue, and political favoritism. Talk show hosts are just that, talk. The celebrities are nothing but high paid actors living in a dream and not on the level in which the average person lives. They speak only to gain the attention for their image and brand. 

There are always solutions to resolve these governmental issues. People need to wake up out of this coma and doing something about it. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PS4 VS XBox 1 Price Battle

It was a clear choice in the announcement of the pricing at the E3 event, who the winner would be. As soon as Microsoft announced that price being set to $499, many gamer's immediately boycotted the thoughts of not being able to play used games on the system and to have to pay a fee if you chose to do so.

link to the Video here:
XBox One Price announced

I for one do not like the Idea that I have to check in every 24 hours to check the validity of my system and game ownership. I also don't like having to pay a FEE to play on MS live. I know that the average family is not going to want to pay $60 per game and $10 per month and $500 for a system and other fees.

Link to the video here:
Press Conference for Playstation

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I waited all day to hear the announcement of the pricing and the "restrictions" that PlayStation 4, and to my surprise they were actually $100 less then Xbox one. No fee to play old game and no restrictions, No Need to check in every 24 hours. Free online play and a great system of $399. They also opened the platform to allow new development company's and indie game creators. More content more choices.

Sony Playstation Vita Wi-fi 22031 (Google Affiliate Ad)

To me it was a no brainier.  PlayStation won this round. and won many new customers from Microsoft.

I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to drop the price, but the restrictions will still be there.

What was your thoughts? Which will you buy?
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